Wednesday, February 26, 2020

My First Speech Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My First Speech Experience - Essay Example Within the next few paragraphs I shall look into what makes for a well structured speech and the other aspects of speech delivery that I can improve upon. My critique shall help to answer the following questions: 1. How did I prepare for my speech? How did I feel as I delivered the speech in front of the class? 2. What were my weak and strong points? 3. What would I do differently next time I deliver a speech? I chose to prepare for my speech by memorizing the content. I felt that by doing so I would be able to maintain eye contact with my audience and quite possibly lessen the nervousness that I would be feeling by being able to lock my eyes onto a particular target and concentrate on the target in the audience to help ease my tension. There was however, one drawback to my memorizing the whole speech. Once I got distracted and lost track of my thoughts, I froze and was almost unable to continue with my speech as I had to quickly start over the speech silently in my head so I could continue from what I felt was the point where I stopped. In order to prepare for the actual delivery of my speech, I spent numerous hours preparing by practicing my delivery in front of my classmates. I also made it a point to rehearse with a classmate from my speech class. He recorded my delivery and we reviewed the material after I delivered my speech in order to find my weak points then we went back and worked on those target areas for further improvement.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Discuss the significance of the endi ng of The Glass Menagerie , in Essay

Discuss the significance of the endi ng of The Glass Menagerie , in terms of symbols, characters, and themes - Essay Example The mother is trying to compensate the shortcomings in her life by thinking of her good old days. Amanda says â€Å"What are we going to do, what is going to become of us, what is the future?" ( Williams ) All the characters are forcing themselves to escape from the reality as her daughter Laura is illussioned by glass works while son wanders along in frustration. In the climax, we can see that characters come at different points of struggling. The climax has lot of significance because people in the story change their choices and preferences to make their life better. Tom who is the son of Amanda decides to use the money he have for his purpose instead of paying electric bill of house. He thinks to leave his family in search of an adventure to break off from family struggle and start a life of his own. In the end also the dreams of Laura changes as Jim announces his engagement. He then breaks the horn of her glass unicorn in mistake which was gifted by Laura. When Jim announces that he is engaged it destroys the chance of eliminating the self doubt and shyness of Laura. We can see that this incident has brought a mental and emotional trauma in Laura and Amanda. When Amanda hears the news of Jim getting engaged, she loses the hope of her daughter getting popularity and social standing. She related this to her experience where she also lost a chance to come up in social circle of life. In the end, we can see that all the hopes and desires of characters fall apart and show how illusion and fantasies can spoil our life. Amanda says â€Å"I’ll tell you what I wished for on the moon. Success and happiness for my precious children! I wish for that whenever there’s a moon, and when there isn’t a moon, I wish for it, too." (Williams ).Tom not paying the bills shows that the he is frustrated with his family. Amanda has a change