Monday, May 25, 2020

Research Paper Topics on Immigration Detention Centers

Research Paper Topics on Immigration Detention CentersWe often hear about research paper topics on immigration detention centers, for example, but we don't hear much about the research topic on detention centers in general. When people talk about immigration detention facilities, they are usually talking about prisons and jails that house immigrants or those who have been deported. We rarely talk about the other types of detention centers that are operated by the government.While there are many different facilities that operate as federal, state, and local correctional facilities, the facilities that hold immigrants do not all come under the purview of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Some states only have jurisdiction over state prisons and local jails, while others also have only limited jurisdiction over facilities that incarcerating people.To get a good look at what happens in these other facilities, we need to talk about some of the research topics that I used to condu ct on immigration detention centers. The first topic was on immigration enforcement activity at the facilities. Since these facilities were mostly privately owned, most of the information available was gathered from media reports.For example, in one state where I did some research on the local news reported that the state had gone to court to try to close down a labor camp where some women were being held against their will. The owner of the camp argued that it is part of his business to work with labor, and that he needed the women at the camp to assist him with the business operations. Some local residents in the area voiced their concerns about this method of dealing with the problem.I also looked at reports on labor camp problems and protests of the practice of immigration enforcement. Often the abuses by prison guards were attributed to the fact that the women had no choice in the matter, since they had come from areas where gangs were responsible for many of the crimes.Insome of the federal facilities I looked at, one thing stood out. These federal facilities were located in some of the most urban areas, so that the inmates might be treated fairly well, since there would be people from many backgrounds who would be housed there. The facilities where detainees were housed seemed to vary in how well they were treated, depending on the sensitivity of the local community.Another research topic that I examined was on the 'tough' measures that are used by some of the federal facilities to keep the criminals away from the children. Many of the federal prison inmates were released without supervision after serving their time, and so they began a crime spree in the surrounding communities. The locals thought the way the prisoners were treated was outrageous and wanted them to be arrested immediately.These topics are topics that can help you get an overview of what is going on in immigration detention centers, so that you can write your own research paper. One thi ng that helps is that many of the states are more forthcoming than the federal government about what goes on at the facilities, which helps you find what you are looking for.

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